As a quick learner, I embrace new technologies as opportunities to innovate. I specialize in using my experience to help companies by transforming hard issues into byte-sized solutions. With a proven track record of enhancing the performance of both systems and teams, my expertise lies in distilling complex problems into impactful solutions that drive progress. With a proactive mindset, I specialize in pinpointing improvements, crafting a structured approach to a suitable solution, and communicating effectively within the organization. My focus is always on delivering a functional solution.

Within teams, I take ownership, act as a bridge between IT and management, and help teams grow and professionalize.

Starting in 2022, I am available for Freelance and Contractor projects supporting your teams as a Cloud Engineer, SRE, DevOps Engineer, and Platform Engineer. In this capacity I can support your teams in a collaborative role or in a technical leadership role where I help your teams grow and improve their engineering excellence.

In the binary numeral system, there are two values used to generate results; zero and one. My main focus is to add value to your business.

There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don’t.

Rogier Dikkes

Navigating etcd v3 waters


A post about etcd v3, mainly about how paths work in v3. Today I was playing around with an empty etcd v3 cluster, placing keys with the Golang Library inside it, and I was looking around to get some context on how etcd stores the data. Usually, I need to get an idea of how data is stored before I feel comfortable with the solution. You can view this post as a sort of gist for myself but I hope it can help you too! [Read More]

Keybase broken on the M1 Pro

Scripting your way out of trouble.

Recently I needed to get access to Keybase since I bought the M1 Pro. During the first try to sync the folders in a Keybase team the application hung and refused to copy the secrets to the filesystem. Keybase is allowed to download these secrets, however copying dozens of secrets by hand 1 by 1 is not an option. After some investigation, I found out that Keybase relies on FUSE to mount the filesystem. [Read More]
keybase  m1  apple  FUSE 

Ranch your Minikube

Because why not?

In the previous post, we went through a lot of steps to get Minikube running on the Apple M1 Pro without docker-desktop. Eventually, it was working on a virtual machine with vftool. The problem with this setup is that it would take a lot of effort to get minikube accessible directly from my MacBook. In the closing words, I already mentioned I had an idea to run Minikube directly on the M1 Pro. [Read More]

Minikube on M1 pro without Docker desktop

Down the M1 rabbit hole.

This year I started my own company: 0to1. To get up and running quickly I decided to stick with technology that I knew before, hardware I have used for the past 8 years without breaking down has been Apple MacBook Pro’s. The new Macbook M1 Pro had raving reviews, super performance, and long battery life. Knowing that the processor architecture changed from Intel (x86) to ARM (M1), after a year things should certainly have been ironed out… right? [Read More]

k3s permission denied when using kubectl

for your test labs

When you install k3s as described on, you can run into the following error when you try a kubectl get po without sudo: Unable to read /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml, please start server with -write-kubeconfig-mode to modify kube config permissions. error: error loading config file “/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml”: open /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml: permission denied There are a couple of solutions to run kubectl without sudo on k3s, without the need to reinstall k3s. I will list 2 of them [Read More]

VSCODE GOPLS: Language server slow

Deprecated means trouble?

Today a short share. Since last year I have been using golang more in my toolkit, often I copy paste but some moments I have to actually write code. For this I use vscode and gopls is the language server. What is gopls? It stands for Go please. It is a language server and helps linting, autocompleting, adds warnings that this string is not of type []some.thing. It integrates with my favorite IDE: vscode. [Read More]

Migrating from Mesos to Kubernetes: First week experiences

Fun times in Kubernetes

A couple months ago D2IQ (formerly known as Mesosphere) CEO Tobi Knaup announced all their efforts are going towards their Kubernetes offering: If you read between all the marketing and management blabla you will find out that DCOS is End Of Life. Since D2IQ was the main contributor of Mesos, one of the core components of DCOS, we can safely conclude that Mesos is losing its main contributor. Since most of the community already have left Mesos and now its main contributor is leaving the question is not if you should leave Mesos or DCOS and migrate to another option but rather: When are you going to migrate to another platform? [Read More]

CMS experience for a non web developer

Messing around with

As a platform engineer you are asked to help out make developers scale their application, how to make their work easier and more secure. However the specifics on how to make this icon’s background transparent or how to use a clean and sexy font is something that I have very little experience with. The not-invented-here syndrome is something that is really big in the HPC landscape, since often solutions are not invented yet. [Read More]
cms  hugo  forestry 

Gitlab pages hosting on TransIP with Lets Encrypt certificates

Lets Encrypt It

After the 4th or 5th time the domain hosting company got taken over, the interface seemed to get worse and worse, I decided to move the domain to TransIP. I worked with the TransIP interface before and it is easy to manage, they offer an API and 2FA so my requirements were quickly met. Every couple of months I register a domain for a project I plan to work on. [Read More]
SSL  TLS  gitlab  transip 

DCOS: Azure OpenID

With good documentation it should not be hard

This HOWTO will very likely be out of date soon, since Microsoft updates their Azure portal way too often to make documentation reliable. The official documentation for setting up OpenID in Azure Active Directory was outdated and I could not find a few of the listed options they described on: If this documentation can help one or two people with setting this up it would be worth it, since i spend a couple hours on finding the right endpoints and setup i decided to make this HOWTO. [Read More]
dcos  openid  azure